News - Education & Employment

35 news items on Education & Employment

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  1. Future of You(th) event: young people and work

    CNV Internationaal organised The Future of You(th) event in October. During 3 days 55 youngsters from Asia, Africa and Latin ...

    News item | 05-11-2020 | 10:23

  2. Entrepreneurship and agro-ecological practices

    Farming with agro-ecological principles means optimizing interaction between plants, animals, humans and the environment. By ...

    News item | 04-11-2020 | 10:00

  3. How investments help young entrepeneurs

    Amr Fawzi  founded GoodsMart: a platform and delivery company that brings groceries to Egyptian households. When he received an ...

    News item | 28-10-2020 | 12:17

  4. Green jobs for youth: what works and what’s missing?

    Rural young people are increasingly concerned about the environment. Many of them work in sectors that are threatened by climate ...

    News item | 27-10-2020 | 11:15

  5. Quality education leads to economic progress

    Better education does not start with building a school or handing out books, says Charif Hamidi (31). He founded his company ...

    News item | 16-10-2020 | 14:36